The Health Big Data site is online!

Big Data represents an immense wealth of information that can bring countless advantages in diagnostic and therapeutic pathways, scientific research and healthcare planning.

It is with this motivation that four Networks of Scientific Hospitalisation and Treatment Institutes (IRCCS) – Cardiology NetworkAlleanza Contro il Cancro (ACC)Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Network (RIN)and IDEA Paediatric Network – are carrying out the “Health Big Data” (HBDproject, financed by the MEF and supported by the Ministry of Health, in which the Politecnico di Milano, the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) are collaborating.

The overall objective of the HBD project is to accelerate the transition towards precision and personalised medicine by creating a common platform for the various IRCCSs to collect, exchange and analyse clinical and scientific data.

Browsing the website, you can read the general description of the project itself, and learn about the Partners involved and the members of the Steering and Executive Committees by clicking on the HBD heading on the homepage.

On the other hand, the FEDERATED PLATFORM heading leads to the organisation of the federated solution, the infrastructure and the security criteria used.

The PHASES button allows you to see the steps that have enabled the consolidation of certain key objectives, those still to be achieved and the role played by the four networks involved in the project.

Finally, by clicking NEWS & EVENTS, the most recent news related to the project’s scientific activities will appear; but that’s not all, videos and podcasts will also be available soon!

To contact us, simply go to the homepage, in the first menu at the top right, and click the Contact button. Also from here you can return to the Overview page, thanks to theAbout us button, subscribe to the Newsletter, through the Subscribe button (which you will also find in the Footer) and do quick searches, thanks to the dedicated button.

To find out more, start browsing the new website now, where you will also find (in the Footer) our social pagesLinkedin and X.

HBD Editorial Committee

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